Thursday, March 10, 2011

Programming isn't a time slot: The death of Free Thought

Some people may be unfamiliar with the term or idea of Cognitive Liberty. So I wanted to share some work I've been doing, and wanted to cover a topic that has been more interesting and important. Please share this with anyone you think would benefit or enjoy:

Cognitive liberty is the freedom to be the absolute sovereignty of the individual’s own consciousness. It is an extension of the concepts of freedom of thought and self-ownership.[citation needed]

The American nonprofit Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, founded and directed by neuroethicist Dr. Wrye Sententia and legal theorist Richard Glen Boire, defines cognitive liberty as "the right of each individual to think independently and autonomously, to use the full spectrum of his or her mind, and to engage in multiple modes of thought."[1]


Now, I don't want to get into the politics regarding their stance on the freedom of/from drugs, but i'll drop some knowledge here so it's disclosed:

An individual who enjoys cognitive liberty is free to alter the state of their consciousness using any method they choose, including but not limited to meditation, yoga, psychoactive drugs, prayer and so on. Such an individual would also never be forced to change their consciousness against their will. So, for example, a child who is forced to consume Ritalin as a prerequisite for attending public school, does not enjoy cognitive liberty, nor does an individual who is forced to take anti-psychotics in order to be fit to stand trial, nor an individual who faces criminal charges and punishment for changing the state of their consciousness by consuming a mind-altering drug, although other explanations for criminalization of some drugs do not fit this argument.[citation needed]

We're playing with half a deck as long as we tolerate that the cardinals of government and science should dictate where human curiosity can legitimately send its attention and where it can not. It's an essentially preposterous situation. It is essentially a civil rights issue, because what we're talking about here is the repression of a religious sensibility. In fact, not a religious sensibility, the religious sensibility.
—American freethinker Terence McKenna in: Non-Ordinary States Through Vision Plants, Sound Photosynthesis, Mill Valley CA., 1988, ISBN 1-569-64709-7

American psychologist and writer Timothy Leary has summarized this concept by postulating two “new commandments for the molecular age”:

* Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy fellow men.
* Thou shalt not prevent thy fellow man from changing his or her own consciousness.[2]

Now, why isn't the "mind" free? Why is "thought" bought and paid for? What sort of discussion on ethics needs done?


Neuroethics is the ethics of neuroscience, and the neuroscience of ethics.[1]

The ethics of neuroscience deals with matters as a subclass of bioethics. Examples include the issue of mind control via the administration of psychopharmaceuticals substances, such as whether or not to give mind altering drugs to an autistic person to make them more "normal",[2] or the ethics of brain surgery such as performing an anterior commissurotomy to control epilepsy,[3] a consequentialist moral anthropologist considering the consequences of Mayan brain surgery, or a politician considering the ethics of war and the use of brainwashing techniques,[4] or the ethics of speech writing to control the mind of a crowd.[4]

The neuroscience of ethics deals with questions of moral development in the child, as in work of Piaget in the 20th century, or more modern theories of free will that derive from evolutionary theories and molecular biology.[5]

The origin of the term "neuroethics" has occupied some writers. Rees and Rose (as cited in "References" on page 9) claim neuroethics is a neologism that emerged only at the beginning of the 21st century, largely through the oral and written communications of ethicists and philosophers. They state that neuroethics addresses concerns about the effects that neuroscience and neurotechnology will have on other aspects of human life, specifically personal responsibility, law, and justice. Further, they claim that neuroethical problems will become real by the 2020s.

Adina Roskies identified two major divisions in neuroethics: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of ethics.[6]Research falling under the first area, the ethics of neuroscience, is focused on the ethics of practice of neuroscience and "the implications of our mechanistic understanding of brain function for society... integrating neuroscientific knowledge with ethical and social thought". The neuroscience of ethics borrows from the field of neurophilosophy and examines the neurological foundations of moral cognition.[6]

So what does the DSM now have to say:

Is nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the newest addition of the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), it certainly is. [B] The manual identifies a new mental illness called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. Defined as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior,” symptoms include questioning authority, negativity, defiance, argumentativeness, and being easily annoyed.

The DSM-IV is the manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses and, with each new edition, there are scores of new mental illnesses. Are we becoming sicker? Is it getting harder to be mentally healthy? Authors of the DSM-IV say that it’s because they’re better able to identify these illnesses today. Critics charge that it’s because they have too much time on their hands.

New mental illnesses identified by the DSM-IV include arrogance, narcissism, above-average creativity, cynicism, and antisocial behavior. In the past, these were called “personality traits,” but now they’re diseases.

And there are treatments available.

All of this is a symptom of our over-diagnosing and overmedicating culture. In the last 50 years, the DSM-IV has gone from 130 to 357 mental illnesses.  A majority of these illnesses afflict children. Although the manual is an important diagnostic tool for the psychiatric industry, it has also been responsible for social changes. The rise in ADD, bipolar disorder, and depression in children has been largely because of the manual’s identifying certain behaviors as symptoms. A Washington Post article observed that, if Mozart were born today, he would be diagnosed with ADD and “medicated into barren normality.”

According to the DSM-IV, the diagnosis guidelines for identifying oppositional defiant disorder are for children, but adults can just as easily suffer from the disease. This should give any freethinking American reason for worry.

Although the authors of the manual claim no ulterior motives but simply better diagnostic practices, the labeling of freethinking and nonconformity as mental illnesses has a lot of potential for abuse. It can easily become a weapon in the arsenal of a repressive state.[/QUOTE]

So...You want to talk about violent rhetoric eh:

House passes the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"

First let’s take a look at the definitions of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism as defined in Section 899A of the bill.

The definition of violent radicalization uses vague language to define this term of promoting any belief system that the government considers to be an extremist agenda. Since the bill doesn’t specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government. Considering how much the government has done to destroy the Constitution they could even define Ron Paul supporters as promoting an extremist belief system. Literally, the government according to this definition can define whatever they want as an extremist belief system. Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below.

`(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term `violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.

The definition of homegrown terrorism uses equally vague language to further define thought crime. The bill includes the planned use of force or violence as homegrown terrorism which could be interpreted as thinking about using force or violence. Not only that but the definition is so vaguely defined, that petty crimes could even fall into the category of homegrown terrorism. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below.

So we have a war on Cognitive liberty, THOUGHT...FREE THOUGHT. What happens as this new language that is defined by "The State". So now we have a virus of thought that is propagating it's way through out brains that consume this message.

We've seen VNR's used by the Executive Branch, and we know that a % of callers to "talk radio" shows are paid propaganda.

Which brings up propaganda techniques:

Rhetorical Techniques

During the period between World Wars I and II, the now-defunct Institute for Propaganda Analysis (IPA) developed a list of common rhetorical techniques used for propaganda purposes. Their list included the following:

* doublespeak
* fear
* glittering generalities
* name-calling

Other Techniques / Terms

* ad hominem
* apologise
* astroturf
* bad science
* bait and switch
* big lie
* buzz
* buzzwords
* comic books
* concision
* controlling the message
* demonizing the opposition
* disinformation
* divide and conquer
* echo chamber
* front group
* greenwashing
* guerrilla marketing
* junk science
* misinformation
* photographic manipulation
* policy laundering
* politics of personal destruction
* Political Code Words
* product placement
* providing pictures
* Public Service Announcments
* push poll
* quoting out of context
* release of forged documents
* repetition
* straw man
* swiftboating
* using celebrities
* talking points
* vagueness
* video news releases
* viral marketing (word of mouth)

Most people base their arguments on "something they heard/saw/read/etc this is "Argument from Authority:

Examples of appeals to authority
[edit] Arguments

* Referring to the philosophical beliefs of Aristotle: "If Aristotle said it was so, it is so."
* Referring to a famous text or work: "Democracy in America criticized American political party division, so we ought to promote bipartisanship."
* Quoting a well-known personage: "As Samuel Johnson said, patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Implying that, therefore, patriotism is always bad. (The term "patriot" was used at the time by radical followers of John Wilkes, whom the conservative Johnson opposed); or "There is no need to critically examine Plan A because [person's name] is in favour of it, and [person's name] is [experienced, knowledgeable, respected] in this field."
* Referring to what one is told by one's teacher and/or parent: "My teacher said so, therefore it must be so."
* Believing something because it is attributed to an honored profession, as in: "This doctor recommends (brand-name) aspirin" or "Bankers recommend that people have six months' wages in a savings account".
* Appealing to some reference or citation from a famous book or author without considering the actual truth of the citation. References in no way ensure, without any doubt, that the claim is true. References simply show where the information or claim possibly originated and to avoid plagiarism.
* Appeals to various well known opinion poll firms that are assumed to have collected the best data from a large enough sample, and that there were no leading questions.

[edit] The nature of the fallacy

An appeal to authority cannot guarantee the truth of the conclusion, given the nature of truth and the Consensus theory of truth, because the fact that an authority says something does not necessarily make it so. The fact that, objectively, a proposition is in fact true or that it has good unrelated arguments supporting it will be what makes authorities believe it to be true. The fallacy comes in when the opposite situation occurs, with authority opinions leading to the belief itself. Thus, an appeal to authority confuses cause and effect.

As with all logical fallacies, the fact that an argument is an appeal to authority does not make its conclusion untrue (this line of thought is sometimes known as the logical fallacy fallacy) and does not make it unreasonable to believe the truth of the argument. It also must be noted that a rigorous concept of truth is a complex subject. In informal logic, the fact that a majority of experts in a given field believe X—for example, the fact that nearly all medical scientists think that HIV causes AIDS and reject AIDS denialism—makes it more reasonable for a person without knowledge in the field to believe X.

The bandwagon fallacy is very similar to the appeal to authority, given that it—with popular opinion being cited in support of an idea rather than popular opinion coming to believe an idea based on the idea's own inherent truth—confuses cause and effect in the same way. In normal conversation, these two fallacies frequently intermingle. For example, consider the statement: "Basically everyone, economic experts included, supports the financial bailout and so must I."

So when people argue via Authority, they are only advertising. They aren't thinking for themselves...but the trick is...THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW IT. That's the rub, they are made to think they thought it.

How does this work? Faith & Trust. They feel that their source for information is TRUSTED. They don't look at their source's agenda, or what profit is to be gained.

How can you have a conversation with someone who is only waiting to repeat the same message over and over again...?

Let's ask Newt!

NOTE: this is all verbatim from GOP documents

As you know, one of the key points in the GOPAC tapes is that "language matters."In the video "We Are a Majority," Language is listed as a key mechanism of control used by a majority party, along with Agenda, Rules, Attitude and Learning. As the tapes have been used in training sessions across the country and mailed to candidates, we have heard a plaintive plea: "I wish I could speak like Newt."

That takes years of practice. But we believe that you could have a significant impact on your campaign and the way you communicate if we help a little. That is why we have created this list of words and phrases.

This list is prepared so that you might have a directory of words to use in writing literature and mail, in preparing speeches, and in producing electronic media. The words and phrases are powerful. Read them. Memorize as many as possible. And remember that, like any tool, these words will not help if they are not used....

 ...third time I've said that. (Laughter.) I'll probably say it three more times. See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. (Applause.)

--source link

Contrasting Words

Often we search hard for words to help us define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.

decay... failure (fail)... collapse(ing)... deeper... crisis... urgent(cy)... destructive... destroy... sick... pathetic... lie... liberal... they/them... unionized bureaucracy... "compassion" is not enough... betray... consequences... limit(s)... shallow... traitors... sensationalists...

endanger... coercion... hypocrisy... radical... threaten... devour... waste... corruption... incompetent... permissive attitudes... destructive... impose... self-serving... greed... ideological... insecure... anti-(issue): flag, family, child, jobs... pessimistic... excuses... intolerant...

stagnation... welfare... corrupt... selfish... insensitive... status quo... mandate(s)... taxes... spend(ing)... shame... disgrace... punish (poor...)... bizarre... cynicism... cheat... steal... abuse of power... machine... bosses... obsolete... criminal rights... red tape... patronage

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it."

-- Edward Bernays

Friday, January 22, 2010

Solar Recovery In Haiti: Building Tough Solar Cities

Solar Recovery In Haiti: Building Tough Solar Cities: "

haiti1.jpgLast week's quake cut electricity to most of Haiti's capital. Without power, residents and aid workers are struggling to maintain basic communication, lighting and water purification systems.

CBC News had reports of officials queuing to recharge their mobile phones. What power there is comes from gas powered generators, but diesel is running low.

In the aftermath of the quake, Reuters reported that at night the only lights visible over the city came from solar powered traffic signals. Now there is a push to roll out more solar. But beyond the emergency, renewables are key to making cities more resilient to natural disasters.

Solar in the Recovery

Solar setups are quick to install, mobile, and relatively inexpensive compared to the price of rebuilding a damaged electricity grid. They can also be incredibly robust. Alan Doyle, a science editor at MSNBC, recently wrote that a single solar water purification system, recovered from the rubble by the Red Cross, is now purifying 30,000 gallons (over 110,000 liters) of water a day.

Sol Inc, a US-based solar street lighting company, has sent a first shipment of lights for roadways, food distribution, and triage sites. This may sound mundane, until you imagine trying to perform street-side surgery or find family members in the dark. The LED lights can also withstand hurricane force winds – no small thing in a country that has also recently been hit by tropical cyclones. Sol Inc has promised to match donations for people wanting to contribute to the program.

Communications are another crucial need being met by solar. China's ZTE corporation has donated 1,500 solar cellphones and 300 digital trunking base stations. The same technology was used in China when an earthquake hit the Sichuan Province in May of 2008. A similar project is being set up by a group from Holland.

Renewable energy in Haiti is not a new. Walt Ratterman, CEO of non-profit SunEnergy Power International was working on the electrification of Haitian hospitals at the time of the quake. He is currently still missing.

Sun Ovens, another non-profit, has been working in Haiti for 11 years. Their solar ovens can bake, roast, boil and steam meals. They also give families an alternative to charcoal which is both costly and the root cause of much of Haiti's deforestation. They currently have one commercial-sized oven already up an running in Port-au-Prince capable of cooking 1,200 meals a day. A larger shipment will be sent out at the end of the month and they too are accepting donations.

Building Tough Solar Cities

But the role of renewables can go far beyond this initial recovery period. People are talking a lot about the possibility that this might be an opportunity to rebuild Haiti on a more solid and equitable footing. Some are more optimistic than others. But if there is one small area where this might be true, it is energy infrastructure. Those solar traffic signals, still cycling through their colors over the streets of Port-au-Prince, are proof of the advantages of doing things differently.

As the rebuilding beings, expanding the role of renewables in Haiti could make it more resistant to the impacts of future natural disasters than many of its African neighbors. It would also be an affordable way to increase access in a country where -- even before the quake -- only 25 percent of the population had regular access to electricity. All cities are vulnerable to the disruption of a centralized energy grid. Think New Orleans, or the 1998 Ice Stom in Quebec that left Canadian families without power for weeks in sub-freezing temperatures.

'Real' Electricity

In some circles there is the perception that solar energy is somehow a second rate power supply. I've heard people refer to grid delivered power as 'real' electricity. As we look to a future where extreme weather events are increasingly likely, I'd say in many cases it is actually the other way around. As new electricity systems begin to go up in Haiti, they will help to support the difficult work of recovery and rebuilding.

As well as helping in any way possible, now is a good time for us to start thinking about the ways that renewable energy could make our cities more resilient to similar disasters.

This piece originally appeared on Alex Aylett's blog, OpenAlex

Help us change the world - DONATE NOW!

(Posted by Alex Aylett in Refugees and Relief at 1:25 PM)



I'm a big fan of sustainable tech. This is something i think that we in the USA need to adopt and work on. We have a unique situation that we have many geographies and climates and can find solutions for lots of different places in the world. I'd really like us to focus on this route.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Most OK with TSA full-body scanners

Most OK with TSA full-body scanners


Seriously people, who really thinks that security really exists?

An underwear bomber, who was on the known terror watch list - and now body scanners.

it seems pretty orchestrated.

Death of the traditional blog

This is an outstanding article. This is where i see things going with the blog/blogazine formatting.

This is something i've been trying to incorporate into mirror magazine - but have been slow to do so. More or less due to my lack of CSS/HTML programming. So i guess i better learn faster.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Seventeen Again and Again

Seventeen Again and Again: "

I am the one who tells people they need to stay out of rabbit holes, aren’t I? Well, I ended up crawling through a nasty one, thus I [eventually] had to write about it.


This all started a couple of months ago, and I guess I’m also guilty of spending too much time doing useless things on the computer (it was after I got them all working again). WordPress allows the use of tags for your posts, and though they rarely generate new traffic to my site: you gotta figure the average random person that somehow ends up here, just isn’t gonna appreciate this site. {*1}

One of the few tags that generates “random” hits to my web site is “anal sex.” It would be safe to assume, that those inclined to go WordPress and look up the anal sex category, had something in mind, far different from my content. I usually show up first on the anal sex list, which then descends by date. I’m under the impression the top designation is based on views or comments per the “tagged” article.


Keep in mind, most blogs out there, are quite similar to those of one lovely young woman I met some time ago, who remarked, “Wow, you blog too? You should read mine!” The next day, I was entreated to her latest article, “Me and my friends went to the beach today. It was like really awesome. So, much fun. Love you guyz!!!” For those now curious: No, she wasn’t 16. She was 26. Nuff said?

On one particular day, a couple of months ago, some girl’s article had supplanted mine at the top of the list, and my first [ego-driven programmed] reaction was “That bitch!” Anyway, said article was entitled, “Sexy Time: How To Be Great In Bed,” and started off with this little gem: “I’m just gonna say it, I’m good in bed. I might be a little arrogant about it, but a big part of good sex is confidence, so I think it’s OK to be a bit smug. Here are some tips from an expert.”


It then goes on to provide these invaluable tips to any young woman who might be dumb-enough, or desperate enough, to turn to one of “her pears” for … advice:

Use More Than One Hole. Front door, back door, mouth, nose, hands, feet, etc…”

Bring Another Girl Along. Okay, this one was a suggestion from my boyfriend. While I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt, it’s not necessary. Just keeping an open mind about any and all things sexual is a good way to have great sex. You don’t have to actually partake in any of them, but talking about fetishes and fantasies can be really awesome foreplay.”

Swallow. The semen is in your mouth longer if you’re busy looking for somewhere to spit it out anyways.

Anyway, the article was written by someone named “Kelly from Simmons College,” who writes for what appears to be a popular site called College Candy. Aside from the folly of even the remote possibility that a media-indoctrinated girl her age has even the slightest clue about sex. It served as a decent example of how mindlessness is propagated in the “system/matrix” of control, without busy hands having to stay too busy guiding society. In one fell swoop, she served three agendas, all of which she could nary fathom. One of her readers commented, “k, Miss Good-in-Bed. Next Article.. How to give a good BJ. Seriously!” {*2}


I was cleaning out my bookmarks, and for lack of poignancy necessitating an article on my part, was going to remove said link until one of the side articles caught my attention. It was entitled “Do You Have the Perfect Shoes to Wear for Your Big Date this Weekend,” or something equally as mundane or depraved. Clicking on said link to me to an unexpected place, and hence began my journey into the rabbit hole.

The linked/related site was 17 Magazine. For those unfamiliar, Seventeen is a magazine which caters mainly to girls between the ages of 10 and 16. By the time they’re 17, they’re too old for such “little girl stuff,” and have generally, per my observations in this country, graduated from the school of whoredom, and are now ready for whore maintenance manuals, such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan.


So, I’m thinking, “What the fuck! Does Miss ‘Use More Than One Hole’ write advice for preteen girls?” Well, College Candy is definitely related to Seventeen, as there is a section [link] for it on their site. Trying to answer the former question for myself, I went to the “Health Sex Fitness” category, and the first item that appears on the drop-down menu is “All Access.”

In case the relevance is lost on anyone, think about the subliminal effects of repeating that cycle, “Health Sex Fitness, All Access … Health Sex Fitness, All Access.” Repeat. The next item on the list is “17 Body Peace.” So, yea, considering how the mind takes in words, you’ve got the jumble of Sex, Body, “Fit,” All Access, [a] Piece [of]. Basically, it’s another way of saying “Use More Than One Hole.”


I am reMinded of a girl met long ago [way back before the media had conditioned girls to masturbate by sticking things up their rectum, hence a novelty at the time], whom I went on a date with while I was “down South” visiting my parents. At one point, I guess she determined she wanted to “do me,” and very matter-of-factly, said, “Hey, I just want you to know that hole number one is currently down for repairs, but hole number two is open for business.” The reason I bring her up, is that when I returned back to the Isle of Aton, a long-running joke afterwards among friends and acquaintances alike, was, “You heard from the All-Access Girl?”

Moving on through 17’s happenstance menu system [through the river of shite], under said header was the category of Get Advice, followed by Sex and Your Body ['all access']. By clicking on said link you are then faced with a page that says:

WARNING & DISCLAIMER: Unless all of the following are true, please use your “back” button to exit this part of Answerology.

I understand that the following pages may include sex-oriented content. I am not bothered by sex-oriented content. By clicking on the Include R-rated Questions link below, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners and creators of this site from any and all liability which may arise from my use of the site.

Well, that’s bloody convenient, cause I doubt anyone would actually want to take responsibility for the nonsensical stream of shite their “advisors” dole out.


Here are butt a few examples of the type of advice doled out by their certifiably brain-dead prostitutes, while Seventeen washes its hands of all liability for:

A Social Butterfly, Girl, 17 asks: My boyfriend and I had sex 2 days ago for the first time with a condom and then sex the next day without but I made him pull out 1 second afterr he stuck it in. Now I have brown stuff coming out of my vajj and it looks like it has some blood too. Is that normal?

TeensHealth, Girl, 29-35 replies: Some girls bleed when they first have sex because the hymen breaks or tears. Sometimes, there can be some additional tearing of the hymen the second time a girl has sex, especially without the lubrication that condoms can provide. Always wear a condom every time you have sex, including the first time, to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It’s also a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your sexual health.

Um, “brown stuff?” That doesn’t sound good. Perhaps it’s an allergic reaction to the toxic industrial waste she put in her snatch? Are you suggesting that petroleum waste would somehow offer more lubrication than that naturally generated by a girl her age? You can’t be that stupid? Never mind, you probably are. You forgot to add, that the more you use condoms, the more of a resistance [suppression of your immune system's response] you develop. Summary: Dumb cunt in, dumb cunt out.

Free Rebel Wisdom: Hon, what’s a “vajj?” If you can’t name a part of your body properly, then you shouldn’t be asking strangers about it, much less letting them stick things in it. Repeat after me: “One Missisisippi.” That long? Oh, and avoid doctors, else you’ll end up on the receiving end of the latest health destroying pill.

A Trendsetter, Girl, 13 asks: somebody is pressuring me into giving him o.ral and he cant stop bothering me he keeps insisting and if i dont he said everything btween me and him is over and hes a really amazing awsome guy how do i deal with it??!!

TeensHealth, Girl, 29-35 replies: Relationships are meant to be fun for both people. They should make you feel appreciated, respected, and supported, not pressured or uncomfortable. If your boyfriend truly cares about you, he won’t pressure you to do something you don’t believe in or aren’t ready for. So talk with your boyfriend about how you feel. If he’s the right guy for you, he’ll understand. Aside from the emotions that go with such an intimate act, oral sex carries the risk of STDs, including HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. (That’s why doctors say people should use condoms for oral sex.)

Actually, that was actually sensical and practical for a bit there. But, condoms again? For “oral sex?” Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my god, what kind of dumb cunt would put a condom in her mouth? Do you use Motor Oil for lip gloss? Prob’ly.


Free Rebel Wisdom: Dear “Trendsetter,” what trends are you responsible for? First, dump your boyfriend, if he’s demanding sex of you at 13, he’s a lost cause. Second, you don’t need no boyfriend to be a complete person. Third, avoid asking dumb cunts for advice, else you’ll get sold toxic products you don’t need.

A Trendsetter, Girl, 14 asks: hw do you shave down there?

TeensHealth, Girl, 29-35 replies: You definitely need to be careful when using a razor on such a sensitive part of the body. But with the right technique, shaving can be an easy way to get rid of unwanted pubic hair. Before starting, use a small pair of scissors to trim the hair. It’s easier to shave hair if it is shorter. Then let your skin soak in the shower or bath for several minutes. Apply a shaving cream or gel to the area you want to shave. Hold the skin taut and make short, light razor strokes in the same direction as your hair grows. While shaving, rinse the blade after every few strokes so gel and hair don’t build up. Don’t push down too hard, and leave yourself plenty of time to shave so you can be careful and not rush through it.

Well, that was specific! Am I the only one slightly disturbed by some random 30 year old woman advising someone else’s 14 year old daughter how to shave her box? Hm, we have that razors and boxes meme again. Surprised they didn’t change the age of the questioner to “19.” A disturbing trend: girls who can no longer use complete sentences using razors on sensitive parts of their bodies. {*3}

Free Rebel Wisdom: Um, why do you need to shave your snatch at 14? Face it, outside of keeping your bikini line neat, there’s only one reason [well, outside the TV telling you to] someone would want to go completely hairless “down there:” cause you want a sloppy licking. Good news: you are reading the right magazine.

A Rock Star, Girl, New York, 18 asks: Is a condom 100 percent safe?

TeensHealth, Girl, 29-35 replies: The good news is that more sexually active teens are using condoms than 5 years ago. The not-so-good news is that not all sexually active teens are using them each time. No condom prevents pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) 100% of the time. But if you and your partner are having sex, nothing protects against STDs better than a properly used condom. For those having sex, condoms must always be used to protect against STDs even when using another method of birth control. Even when used correctly, condoms do not protect against infections spread from sores on the skin not covered by a condom (such as the base of the penis or scrotum).

Safe to say now they neglected to ad the phrase “this column sponsored by Trojan Brand Condoms.” Let’s interpret that opening: “The good news is that profits are way up, cause more and more dumb cunts are buying our industrial waste and putting it inside intimate areas of their body. Our pharmaceutical division expects to make ten times the profits on the back end, as “heavy users” develop expected cancers. Advertising costs going down drastically, as “trendsetters,” sans pay, promote the use of our products via subliminal jingles disguised as wisdom.


Free Rebel Wisdom: No. If by “safe” you mean does a condom in any way protect me from any STD I’d be worried about, the answer is “no,” but it is 100% toxic. If you can spare the brain-power and time at your age, and pull yourself away from watching MTV, texting, shopping and obsessing about whether some effeminated boy likes you, take the time and read the following article in its entirety.

A Flirt, Girl, Salt Lake City, 15 asks: Probable Pregnancy – Can you get pregnant from anal sex?

RoxStar1000, Girl, 29-35 replies: The only way you could get pregnant that way would be for semen to leak from your anus to your vagina, which is highly unlikely. But that doesn’t mean anal sex is completely safe-so don’t let a guy try to convince you that it is. See, unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t have much lubrication, so its tissues are prone to tearing, making it easier for STDs (including HIV) to enter your body. So using condoms is a must. And even if the guy is wearing a condom, no one should have vaginal sex after anal sex unless the guy washes his penis with soap and water first and then puts on a new condom. The anus is filled with bacteria that can cause serious infections if they get into the vagina.

Oh my god! Enough already! Instead of “All Access,” perhaps you guys could be just slightly more honest and rename the column as “Advertisements interspersed with a few items two whores we know gleamed from local health clinic fold-outs.” Did she say “the anus doesn’t have much lubrication?” Much or “any?” Oh, she must be referring to liquefied poo as a lubricant. I should stop being so judgmental. {*4}


Free Rebel Wisdom: You poor dear. You should by no means be having anal sex at your age. Next time you look in your clothes hamper, try and imagine the odor if every single pair were to have a crusty shit-stain in them. Because, that’s exactly what it will be like 20 years from now if you let overzealous yet utterly-clueless porno-indoctrinated boys your age ignorantly pound away at your sphincter.

A Rock Star, Girl, Houston, 15 asks: How can I tell my parents I have HIV? I’m 15 years old and I’ve been sexually active for two years now, and I haven’t told my parents.

TeensHealth, Girl, 29-35 replies: Teens who have HIV/AIDS sometimes find it hard to tell their parents. They’re worried that the news will make their parents angry, worried, or disappointed. But, as hard as it may seem, it is important to talk to your parents so that you can get the best possible care. That means not only getting the best care for medical problems .. they’ll help you figure out the best ways for you to share the diagnosis with your parents. Your parents likely will need some emotional support, too, and the dedicated nurses, doctors, and counselors can help there. The sooner you tell them, the sooner you can get help.

She neglected to add, and the sooner you can “get busy dying” [per Shawshank]. Now, I have to admit there is so much disinfo on the topic disseminated throughout both the mainstream and alternative communities, but I am under the impression HIV was a monumental scam run on the public. Basically, a harmless common virus (most of are such), where the cure is what causes AIDS. It’s a huge pharmaceutical industry psyop leading to untold profits and serving many agendas, even outside the scope of eugenics. In summary, the “advice” above is a death sentence.


Free Rebel Wisdom: The dumbest thing you’ve done so far, is get an HIV test. The next dumbest thing you could do is get treated, because then, you will inevitably end up with full flown AIDS and die, especially if you have a good health plan. The dumbest thing you could possibly do, is follow the above dumb cunt’s advice.

A Trendsetter, Girl, Oklahoma City, 14 asks: Can you get pregnant if a guy fingers you with sperm on his hand?

RoxStar1000, Girl, 29-35 replies: Yes, it can happen, but it’s not very common. Sperm can live outside the body for up to 48 hours, so if a guy has some on his hands and then puts his fingers inside your vagina, there is a risk of pregnancy.

48 hours? Are you fucking kidding me? My God you are stupid. Where’d you read get instilled with that crap? Oops, you forgot to add the phrase, “This message brought to you by Carl’s Jr.” No check from Durex for you this week honey.


Free Rebel Wisdom: Why would you let this nitwit “finger” you while he has ejaculate on his hand? Are you that desperate for attention? Shed your princes programming. Stop watching television. Smarten up. Stop asking idiots for advice.


Well, that’s that. I know the world would probably be a far better place were young women to turn to people like myself for advice, but I’ve no plans to make a career out of this. The jukebox [in my skull] just kicked in an on-topic tune by Sparks:

Tips for teens, tps tor teens … the kind you don’t see in magazines

Tips for teens, tps tor teens… the kind you don’t see on TV screens

Now, when I first looked at the site, I know at least one of the questions below was asked by a girl that was 12, and there may have even one or two asked by ones as young as 11. I gather they change it, cause heck, you can never be sure, every once in a while some semi-conscious parent may check in. There’s a remote chance.


Obviously, Kelly from Simmons College, scores of robots posing as writers, advice columnists RoxStar and TeensHealth, and [insert name of any well-known sex expert] aren’t part of some grand conspiracy to whorify and destroy the health of American girls. They’re just your average dumb cunts, who’ve been conditioned to think they actually know something about anything. Hence, they’re just repeating the nonsense they were indoctrinated with, but never bothered looking into (cause they were too busy either shopping, watching television or looking cool).

It’s no different from many of you [ultimately, us], who are all guilty of passing along anything we never bothered researching [no, that does not mean watching any program or reading one book on the subject]. A few examples: speaking of “safe sex” or “unprotected sex,” saying “smoking kills” or in any way supporting anti-smoking laws, “seat belts save lives,” advising people not to eat butter or margarine or salt (or whatever the latest “out” additive is), counting carbohydrates or calories, supporting stricter “drunk driving” measures. On second thought, this list is endless. There is no limit to what people can be reprogrammed to do. {*5}


Another magazine I was entreated/exposed to at about the same time, was one of those celebrity rags (Us or People) while in the grocery check-out line. It featured a salacious image of one 11 year old Kendall Kardashian on the cover [forthcoming]. In front of me, was an apologetic woman with an overloaded cart and a gaggle of kids. She kept repeating how “sorry” she was for making me wait and I told her to stop. It gave me a chance to peruse gossip rags I’d otherwise never buy.


Thus, into yet another rabbit hole I went. The picture on the cover [below left], while lurid and just plain “wrong,” is sadly, not so unusual. For those who haven’t bothered leaving the house, she looks not too different from the average um “girl” her age [the politically incorrect phrase would be 'whore in training']. Wherever you live in this great United States [and a good part of the 'first' world], the sight of a little girl whore dressed in such a manner, is no longer unusual, by any “stretch” of the imagination or vaginal orifice [a task such 'shorts' accomplish on their own].

The only thing new is the open promotion of such via the mainstream. On one hand, it “shocks” parents who are conditioned to not see the obvious [hence, the tactic sells a few issues], and two, it lowers the bar, suggesting to girls that age, it is not only acceptable but glamorous [recall how many whores-in-training above chose the phrase 'rockstar' to define themselves]. {*6} Bags and shoes. Bags and shoes!


As mentioned, this article was drafted some time ago, and the second event compiling it, was what I found inside the magazine. A pic of the even younger Kardashian sister [Kourtney, age 9] dancing on a stripper pole [video]. Sadly, having since seen the even younger Noah Cyrus and her friends programmed symbiants has jaded me [article], and I assume, many others to where a nine year old on a stripper pole is hardly noteworthy, much less novel anymore.

Quick aside: A bit of synchonicity also queued me that it was time to move this into the publlication queue. At a gathering I was to attend over the holidays, I was to personally witness one mother tellling us of how “unlike” other irresponsible mothers, she wouldn’t let her daughter partake in this vampire trend. In the meantime, said daughter (about the same age as Kendall), was walking around the house in shorts that were not only shorter, but more “intrusive” [so much so that her underwear was sticking out both sides of where the inseam was digging in]. A year ago, I’d have spoken my peace … now, I’ve either given up or know better.


In the checkout line, my laughter led to disgust, which I openly expressed. I was then surprised to hear all assembled around me, including the teenage bag-boy agreeing in unison at how ridiculously morally bankrupt society has become. My joy and glimmer of hope for humanity, was however, short-lived. One responded:

“Well, you know what this means, right? That’s right! You can read all about it in the Bible. Jesus is coming!”

And then, everyone started nodding their head. Hallelulah! Argh, there is no little hope! Kudos to you, ye social engineers and long-term planners. I have to respect your diligence and vision. Rather than strive to improve humanity’s lot as mankind devolves towards oblivion, these dumb cunts are all just gonna lay down and wait for Big J’s comeback. Fucking brilliant! I may not like it, but I respect it.


Also at around this time, I, out of necessity, went shopping [something I rarely do] with the women of the family. My everyday shoes were worn to the point of impracticality, hence I went “buying,” yet was forced to dawdle as I volunteered to join the women-folk. I’ll spare you my observations on the trance-like state women inside the store seemed to be. My sister brought me something over from the little girls section, a nightie, saying, “Well, here’s something for you to write about.”

It was a nightie for little ones (it looked like it would fit a four to six year old) and featured a skull and crossbones over a split heart with a sword sticking through it [suggestive of rape/sexual initiation, along with the 'sex is death' theme], and as an added bonus [for my benefit, I'll have to assume] depicted both the heart and the sword held by, and I’m not fucking kidding you, an octopus. The name of the brand is “Pink Cookie,” and researching that led into yet another rabbit hole.


There seem to be A LOT of clothing made for little girls now feature skull and crossbones of all sorts and it’s apparently, quite popular, which in retrospect, is no surprise, considering popularity is determined by whatever the Medes fucking tell the robots to buy. Need I mention how, in so many ways, both literally and metaphorically, putting the symbol of death over one’s passage to life is?

In a recent Dinner With Andros [1], Stygian Port and I got into the death and carnage programming via so many movies aimed at kids today, and what that might mean for the future [also discussed here]. Combine that with such trends as those discussed above and one conclusion seems carved in stone. We are fucked!


Now it’s time to clean all this shit off of me, and reflect on how we got here and hopefully, gleam something useful from this. And, this is gonna be weird. Back when thongs were introduced, many women paid whores wrote of how “revolutionary” this new undergarment was. Actually, I wrote of it before:

Speaking of the future, and of the past, and moving onto a topic that has nothing to do with anything I've been trying to say here: Women's Underpants. Pray tell, someone answer me this. I remember back before g-string and t-back panties were popular, how I would frequently catch site of the lines encompassing where a girl's undies hugged her bottom. Then, things started to change. Then, came the thongs. I remember once watching some television program, where they credited some woman for inventing the now ever-popular style of underwear, and praised her for helping women the world over, by forever eliminating the problem of unsightly panty lines. [I don't know about you guys, but I liked being able to see panty lines. My fellow men, please pipe up!]

However, what has happened over the past few years is, that while the line marking the top of a woman's panties has gone up, the waist-line of women's jeans and skirts, has been dropping dramatically. So, if the whole reason for the thong "revolution" [to borrow a phrase from said show] was to get rid of those damn"unsightly" panty lines, then someone please tell me, why over the last couple of years, I have caught sight of more women's underpants in public, then I had during my entire prior existence? — Final Chapter © 2003

The proverbial Light Bulb went off. I recall many female friends complaining of how said type of underwear, made them feel like someone/something was constantly trying to crawl up their ass. Hm, so the other “revolutionary” change this underwear brought about was constant stimulus of the anus. Perhaps, that was the intent all along? The engineering of men is visual, but something had to make mass numbers of women more, er, open to the idea, while “doing what they want.”


I’m not saying this is the sole reason that anal sex is now common practice, and among your men (and even some younger women), the “preferred” route of intimacy. But, it is the agenda. So if it served the agenda, in hindsight, it was very likely part of the plan all along. It’s been hidden/masked, but right in our face for those with eyes to see. As the latest Victoria’s Secret catalog shows, the “flower” has now been moved to the back (serving little function other than “invite”), the vagina’s being reduced to a “front butt,” and heck, even Bridget Jones is doing it.

There is no force on this planet that reaches as deep into the public mind and is granted as much access as Holy Wood. None. It doesn’t even have to make sense, especially in a world that is ass-backwards. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world eventually. The virus of dehumanization spreads via the medium.


Were one to try and “analyze” the trend, discombobulation would surely follow. Americans, by and large, tend to have the most unhygienic bathroom habits. For those without a clue [or unexposed to more hygienic practices through the magic of travel: something which coincidentally, via the combination of imaginary 'terrorists' and the very real terrorist agency known as the TSA, fewer and fewer are being exposed to], paper alone does a poor job of leaving one’s body in a state where intimacy might be logical or even practical. I’ve written of this before too:

My room at the hotel comes equipped with a spray nozzle located next to the toilet. Aside from every room I have rented, I have also seen this feature in a number of houses here, regardless of social class of the inhabitants. I know much of Europe has the more complicate bidét system, but I have to say, these systems seem more efficient in a number of ways. I wonder why this hasn’t caught on in The States. Score one for the Brazilians. They can safely say, “Yeah, you may live in a rich country, and have several televisions and a house with more bedrooms than people, but my ass is always cleaner than yours.”Wake Up Maggie © 2003

Looking back on the above words, it is quite laughable, how ignorance combined with indoctrination leads peoples to ASSume they are somehow wiser, more advanced, tidier, wiser, and superior to others, despite facts to the contrary. It makes sense why everything possible is being done to discourage travel. I’m sure the planned economic collapse will help out in that regard too. But, fret ye not my friend: the media will keep you InForm[ed] as to how much better off you are compared to the poor bastards (particularly women) in places you’ve never been.


Then again, was the common person not so far removed from their nature and intuition, (a) there wouldn’t be so many dumb cunts out there making a living offering up advice in rags such as 17, and (b) this article could have been a hell of a lot shorter, not requiring my pointing out what should be obvious.

“I made virtue and vice to be distinguished by instinct.” — Isis

Is common sense so gone? Well, anyone reading this would be hard-pressed to convince me otherwise. I know many an idiot has accused this writer of being sexist, simply for stating facts. We’ve been conditioned to tolerate all sorts of deviancy, and disregard any signal our body sends to us that we are harming it.

Case in point: desensitizing anal lubricant. Next up: desensitizing forehead lubricant. You are now free to smash your skull up against the wall all day, without those annoying and misleading pain receptors firing off. After this, may need it.


I recently heard someone pass along the wisdom, “if you can’t eat it, then don’t rub it on your skin” in regards to skin lotions. To that, in a true intolerant sexist spirit I’d like to add, if you can’t eat it, then don’t stick it inside your snatch. Technically [though praying meme is not programmed], a cock is edible. As for 99% of the other shit “liberated” women put inside their hoohoodillys … it’s highly suspect.

Oh, that’s outrageous I know. All you petroleum waste loving “I don’t need no man” robots go ahead and label away. Again, I have to begrudgingly give kudos to the social engineers, who programmed women with the notion that some oppressive patriarchy has long-been conspiring to suppress their sexuality, and that finally, after years of being handcuffed, came along three brave liberators paid whores by the names of Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan [mentioned before].


You are free to now jam toxic waste up your snatch, and attack all those, such as myself, who dare suggest to do so, is not only foolhardy, but degenerate. I wonder what my fellow chauvinistic sexist pig Lana Cantrell would say on these subjects:

“The gods criticize man because he has lost sensitivities to the world for with androgyny, instincts in all areas, leave.”

“It is a well-known fact that most medical exams for women do more damage then good. Whatever possessed a people that they can open a woman so and go digging?”

“Few realize the hazards of condoms in they ruin the vagina as the mucous from the cervical glands cannot react to artificial material and harmful bacteria always forms.”

“As we know today [1988] sodomy is profuse, in thirty years it will no doubt be the norm.”

Which I guess, brings us to tampons as well. Can you eat them? Well? I do seem to recall many years ago, the media resorting to the common tactic of blaming the victims (for wearing the tampons too long), rather the products made by their sponsors. Again, I’m not going to get into it here, but research for a few minutes, and you’ll find all sorts of “expert” articles blaming various bacteria and practices, while [programmatically] failing to make the connection between Toxic Shock Syndrome and plastic products, which by coincidence, are involved every time.


Oh, never you mind. South Park was quick to predictively program legions of uncritical fanatics that people who try to buy natural products and choose to avoid toxic petro-chemical byproducts (particularly tampons) are “retards.” That was in the same episode [Cherokee Hair Tampons] where they suggested same in regards to those who don’t ingest fluoride.

Oh Isis, come help this ragtag bunch of degenerates that once were, yet still dare to call themselves mankind. We have lost our way. We’re so utterly incapable of distinguishing “vice,” that we turn to fools for advice, hence adding vices, while remaining oblivious to the consent we are giving; the invitation the words suggest.


I know some will undoubtedly say, “Oh there he goes on that anal thing again,” wishing I’d stick to/get back to film analysis and synchromysticm. But, I’ve already spent much time detailing the New World Order is neither the Bilderbergers, nor the CFR, nor some hidden child-eating Kabbalistic Rabbis. It is us. And unless we are willing to strip away every layer of our programming, “fighting” the shadow enemy is not only fool-hardy, but ultimately, self-destructive.

My social engineering podcast gets into how “the process” works and thanks to automation (not just of machinery, but of people), there are few people involved directly at the highest echelons of the process. At the lower levels, you can see how the “conspiracy” works (as I believe this article clearly demonstrates). Basically, it’s a conspiracy of dunces.


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*1: Much less “get it.” Yes, I’ve got loads of yet finished articles in the queue, but lately, it would seem, all my readers are clamoring I devote more time to the topic of butt-sex. :evil: Hence, I have to give the people what they want. :wink: [LB]

*2: This article ran long enough, hence I didn’t get into the whole “swallow” programming from way back. In summary: be wary of anyone advising you too. Based on today’s diet, semen is loaded with indigestible human waste. Yum, yum! Swallow away! I’ll get into it in detail in My Dinner With Andros [5]. [LB]

*3: The topic of pubic hair “fashion” has come up before (a few times). I’ll spend a little more time speculating on the “why” of the fashion [programmed perception] of shaving in same podcast too [the one mentioned above]. [LB]

*4: I had actually been saving that image of the following DVD cover for so long I had forgotten why, all I could remember is that it was somehow synchromystically “relevant” to the topic. I laugh now, as it turns out that Bree Olson, the starlette of said, um, motion picture, was temporarily the nanny on the KardAssIans “reality” show. [LB]

*5: I know the article on smoking, seat belts and drunk driving is long overdue. So, no promises as to when it will be delivered. Undoubtedly, some [Americans] are offended by my use of the phrase “Dumb Cunt” and that’s because the media has trained you to be. It’s just a bloody phrase, and particularly in regards to this article, the best available. Nothing more. [LB]

*6: Though I didn’t get into the industry in detail while looking at the Hollywood Path to Fame, rest assured, that the path to fame/notoriety for today’s music industry is precisely the same. Isn’t that right Bono? Forget that “Rock and Cock” bullshit, a better term might be “Cock and Sock” as in the use of the two specific orifices comprising the human stargate. [LB]

Posted in humanity, mass media, social engineering