Monday, December 21, 2009

Yule have a happy solstice!


Greetings to the few who may read this blog.

This year has been exciting, busy - and unexpected in many ways. Of these things, let me tell you why the magazine was suspended, and why i've decided to refocus on some new topics.

Several years ago, in my mid twenties - I had a meditation that gave me some insight on a certain perspective of reality. This is talked about by many other Bloggers out there that do many sync blogs.

Many blogs I read, and enjoy have covered various aspects to things I enjoy in life, as well as to some areas of information that I view life at.

Many Thanks to Christopher Knowles over at The Secret Sun, The Celtic Rebel, Renegade Futurist , Jason Miller, I guess I could go on and on...

Anyway. I'm going to shift a bit from some content i was debating on - and i'm going in the direction of my intuition. My aim is to make a magazine, with a bit of a different spin to it. Many others have content that is sort of similar, what i want to focus on is making an open source magazine which can give many new ideas, artists, bloggers, etc a venue to share their knowledge, and allow people to express art in all mediums: Written, Visual, Spoken, Sung, etc etc.

Welcome to the new age, the new arena - The HyperCube is the doorway to the new paradigm.

This year has been interesting. I've turned 30, got on my own two feet - and decided to relaunch the magazine with more DIY project ideas - art, and just ideas.

Also in the works, is a few Rave type parties, and music festivals that i'm hoping to have put together (with some serious help and effort from those around me - we will have a success).

This is exciting, and i'm hoping to share it with you all.

There is much Magick in the world, and after some final steps of "know thyself" - do i now feel ready to not stand in my way.

I'm really excited, and i can't wait to get in contact with several of you (some i've already listed) in hopes that we can collaberate and take advantage of where we are going.



1 comment:

  1. Right on, I think your magazine sounds like a great idea, and I wish you the best of luck. Multi-media truly is the way of the future.

    Nosce Te Ipsum

    Soror FSO
